Blog Growth Engine Reddit – Discussions & Opinions

Does Reddit Hate Adam Enfroy or Blog Growth Engine?

I like reading discussions on Reddit before I invest money in any courses, as I get the best answers and perspectives here. However, that is not true on Reddit regarding the Blog Growth Engine.

The comments and discussion on Reddit seem to give no concrete reason to believe whether the Blog Growth Engine course is terrible or not. However, many people have expressed many things about Adam Enfroy.

Let’s find out what these opinions are and whether they help us decide whether Blog Growth Engine is worth it!

Blog Growth Engine Reddit – Subreddit

The subreddit dedicated to Blog Growth Engine was disappointing as it had nothing on it.

Blog Growth Engine Reddit - Subreddit
Source: Reddit

Since there is nothing to discuss there, Let us start with the thread with the most comments and discussions on Reddit.

Blog Growth Engine Reddit – Positive And Negative Reviews

There are no concrete positive or negative views on Reddit about the Blog Growth Engine courses. 

However, there is a lot of discussion on Adam Enfroy.

Let us learn what people say about Blog Growth Engine course maker Adam Enfroy.

Question 1: Is Making 300k+/month?

The topic that has been discussed thoroughly is whether Adam Enfroy is making the money he claims!

Here is what user u/xfd696969 asked- is making 300k+/month
byu/xfd696969 injuststart

Answer 1

The answer to this question has been giving me mixed signals. Here are a few answers to help you decide what is true and what is not.

byu/xfd696969 from discussion

Answer 2

This comment on the subreddit “juststart” caught my eye as it is from someone who claims to have met Adam Enfroy- 

byu/xfd696969 from discussion

Question 2: Adam Enfroy-Thoughts Please?

Another topic related to the Blog Growth Engine discussed widely in the subreddit “Blogging” is who Adam Enfroy is and whether he can be trusted.

Adam Enfroy-Thoughts Please?
byu/McGeno19 inBlogging

In my observation, the sub reddit has nothing positive to say about Mr. Adam. Here is a look-

Answer 1

byu/McGeno19 from discussion

Answer 2

The only good words that I found in this thread about Mr. Adam are these-

byu/McGeno19 from discussion

Question 3: Has Anyone Used Or Gotten Adam Enfroy’s Blog Growth Engine Course?

This question was posted in the comments section of the subreddit “Blogging.” The main discussion was, “Is Blogging Really Worth It?

Someone who seems to have taken blogging as a career option asked the following question regarding Blog Growth Engine in this discussion-

byu/sliat9_amaruk from discussion

Only one answer was found to this question which explains nothing worthwhile.

byu/sliat9_amaruk from discussion

Blog Growth Engine Reddit- Customer support

Next, I wanted to find out my fellow Reddit users’ opinions on Blog Growth Engine’s customer support.

However, there was no related discussion or sub-credit on this topic.

Blog Growth Engine Reddit- Customer support
Source: Reddit

Blog Growth Engine Reddit –  Recommendation

While scrolling through searches related to Blog Growth Engine, I found that a Reddit user had asked for recommendations on learning the SEO process from scratch.

Reddit User Had Asked For Recommendations
Source: Reddit

And “kittiegrl010101” recommended Blog Growth Engine for learning the SEO process the same. 

kittiegrl010101 Recommended Blog Growth Engine
Source: Reddit

Adam Enfroy’s peer Sean Ogle also appreciated the effort of Adam Enfroy when both of them were mentioned in a discussion where a beginner-level content creator needed help choosing a course they offered (Adam Enfroy or Sean Ogle).

Here is what Mr. Sean had to say about Adam-

byu/Grootie1 from discussion

Related Reads:

Conclusion- Blog Growth Engine Reddit Comments Give A Mixed Signal!

The discussion on Reddit is vague and does not pinpoint what exactly is right or wrong with the Blog Growth Engine course. 

Additionally, the opinions of individuals on Reddit seem to be too extreme.

Most of the discussions are about Adam Enfroy and his role as a coursemaker. I would also like to point out that most of these questions and answers were discussed 1-2 years ago.

The course must not have helped the students at that time. However, the new Blog Growth Engine 4.1 update seems to cover many essentials for a blogger to start his monetization journey.

To conclude, I would like to suggest you take the course for yourself and decide whether you find it worth it. Also, if nothing else, this is a great course to push yourself to start blogging today.

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